Matching Modern Office Furniture to the Way You Work

Matching Modern Office Furniture to the Way You Work

Matching Modern Office Furniture to the Way You Work

When Brittany from Atlanta, Georgia fell in love with one of our modern office desks (the Giza) for her office, she didn’t have a lot of the details ironed out. I recall that she sent over a plethora of pictures of modern office furniture she liked. What she was missing, though, was a clear understanding of how to marry the style she preferred with all of the functionality she needed in order to be organized. Organization represented a really important consideration in her furniture selection.

The problem Brittney had was figuring out how to get a beautiful desk into her workspace while adding a conference table to provide room for several people with whom she needed to work closely and often. .

Some of these people worked long hours with her, side by side. Brittney had never realized that the books, binders, computer documents, and hard copies stored at her desk—documents that had to travel back and forth between her personal workspace and the conference table—were consuming a lot of her time and decreasing efficiency. Because she is an organizational enthusiast, the task of coming up with a better plan really had her stumped..

Oftentimes, clients know how they work, but when it comes to putting together a strategy to maximize efficiency and organization according to their work style, they get lost. That’s where we can help. .

When we showed Brittany how we could take the modern Giza desk she loved and build a 96" conference table into it to double as her private workspace and create the space for visitors to join her as needed, she was thrilled. Having everything right at her fingertips—and no longer having to move around—was really a blessing for her. She now has a modern conference table-sized desk and a meeting space across from her to meet with associates, review drawings and charts, and collaborate. She also has a matching overhead, scaled to fit her custom-sized binders and charts. For added convenience, we included several work-surface grommets, allowing Brittany and her visitors to plug in. We created a centerline modesty panel in brushed aluminum to create under-desk privacy and knee space for her guests.

Giza Modern Executive Desk

Giza Modern Executive Desk

At 90 Degree Office Concepts, we get it! People have so many ways they like to work, it’s nearly impossible to capture everything needed to remain organized and work efficiently from standard, off-the-rack furniture. In most cases, you will sacrifice either time or organization. We believe that in business and in life, there is nothing more important than time. You only have a limited supply. To waste it in any way will cost you in productivity, wasted life, and dollars.