How to Buy a Custom Modern Conference Table Without Ever Seeing It in Person

Purchasing a custom modern conference table without physically seeing it can feel like a gamble. The stakes are even higher when the table is a big-ticket item. However, with careful planning and working with the right producer, it is possible to successfully buy a custom conference table that meets your needs without ever laying eyes on it beforehand.

The Challenge of Customization

A custom conference table is unique by its very nature—it doesn't exist until it's built. Transforming an idea or a two-dimensional image into a real, functional piece requires exceptional skill and trust in the builder. If this is a first-time project for the producer, there’s a good chance something might go wrong, whether it's the size, fit, scale, or material. Even the smallest mistake, such as using the wrong screw, joint, or wood type, can compromise the table's longevity.

Experience Matters

When selecting a builder, it’s critical to ensure they have experience not just in building conference tables but in creating the specific style you want. Choosing a builder unfamiliar with your design increases the risk of missteps, which could result in a product that doesn’t meet your expectations.

Know Your Materials

Each material used in a modern conference table comes with its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, high-pressure laminate may look great, but using it on the edges of the table where it’s likely to be exposed to chair arms can result in chips and damage over time. An experienced producer will guide you through the best material choices based on your table's design and usage.

Request a Full Color Rendering

A full-color rendering of your conference table is an essential step toward ensuring you’ll be satisfied with the final product. While it won’t show every detail, it offers a solid visual representation of the design, giving you peace of mind about the overall look and feel. If a producer cannot provide this, it may be time to look for a new one.

Inspect Material Samples

Before construction begins, request samples of the finished materials. Being able to touch and see the exact materials that will be used is crucial to ensuring that your table will not only look great but also complement the vibe of your office space.

Evaluate the Scale and Proportion

The relationship between each part of your conference table—such as knee space, top thickness, and spacing—can affect the overall dynamic of the design. A detailed shop drawing should be provided for your approval before construction starts. This drawing will allow you to visualize how all the pieces will come together, ensuring that no part of the table feels out of proportion.

Request Final Photos

Once the table is completed, ask for detailed photos to inspect it for any dings, scratches, or finishing issues. This is your last chance to ensure everything is up to standard before the table is shipped to your office.


Buying a custom modern conference table without seeing it in person requires careful planning and trust in your producer. There are many steps along the way that will help ensure the final product meets your expectations, from evaluating materials to requesting detailed renderings and shop drawings. By taking these precautions, you can minimize risk and enjoy a custom table that fits your space perfectly.