
Quick Solutions for Designing Small Office Reception Areas
Quick Solutions for Designing Small Office Reception Areas
  • Avoid Clutter; clutter makes your reception area appear smaller
  • Use multifunctional office furniture pieces (conserves space)
  • Scale office reception furniture to work with size of space (don’t waste space with furniture that eats space)
  • Make use of awkward spaces for storage (space conservation)
  • Choose functional office reception furniture rather than nonperforming pieces (make your reception desk and other pieces function to tasks)
  • Utilize natural light wherever possible (light makes spaces appear larger) 
  • Use light colors on furniture...
Your Custom-Made Modern Reception Desk: What You Need to Know for Sure
When it comes to knowledge, sometimes we think we know, and we nail it! At other times, we think we have it all sewn up, and we wind up paying twice the price, embarrassing ourselves, or wishing we had never started in the first place. Then there are times when we don’t know that we don’t know, and we move forward anyway. These are the times for which we often pay dearly.
How Should You Lay Out Your Office Conference Room?
Have you ever written an important phone number on a napkin or the back of an envelope? On the one hand, you get the information scribbled down; on the other, that piece of paper is so insubstantial, it gets lost or trashed by you or someone else.
The Growing Demand for Custom Office Furniture is Challenging the Old Marketplace
In this new age, modern-minded people are changing the way they approach buying products. It’s no secret: brick-and-mortar stores are closing, as are entire shopping malls. People are buying everything from footwear to real estate online. They want the ease of buying from trusted sources from the comfort of their living rooms.
Design Questions You Need Answered Before Buying Office Furniture
Design Questions You Need Answered Before Buying Office Furniture

Here's How

With so many opportunities to buy modern office furniture out there, why should you select this one? I can give you seven fool-proof reasons inspired by companies just like yours.

Over the years we have listened to the concerns of thousands of company owners, designers and do-it-yourselfers looking to design a modern reception area, conference room or executive office. The takeaways for you are invaluable. Whatever your concerns, chances are they’ve been asked. Here we have listed seven most common.

What makes this list even more ...

The Modern Conference Room: Form Can Top Function
The Modern Conference Room: Form Can Top Function
The type of innovation people bypass most frequently is design innovation. The way things look, and feel can be just as important as their intended function. If you perceive function as the only way to move forward, you are missing a grand opportunity!
Experts Say Individuality in Modern Office Design Can Inspire Change and Leadership
Experts Say Individuality in Modern Office Design Can Inspire Change and Leadership
There’s one thing you have that no one else on the planet can claim…and that’s the ability to be you. No one can duplicate it. No one can fake it. While at first glance this might not seem like a big deal, you just haven’t thought it through. You can inspire innovation and motivate others to live in creativity and joy. It’s not just a personal thing—it’s the ability to serve as a source of inspiration to the whole world simply by living it.
Why Some Modern Reception Desks Are Less Costly Than Others: How to Know the Difference
Why Some Modern Reception Desks Are Less Costly Than Others: How to Know the Difference
There was a time when a person could buy a treasure map, and then have to pay a small fortune. As more and more treasure maps started to become available in the marketplace, sellers upped the ante and began to lower prices and provide free tools to dig up the treasure. They also began to provide transportation to the treasure site. To gain an even greater market share, map sellers began to offer all the benefits of treasure hunting right from the living room couch for X dollars.
What Is a Melamine-Constructed Reception Desk, and What Do You Need to Know About It?
What Is a Melamine-Constructed Reception Desk, and What Do You Need to Know About It?
A melamine reception desk is made from low-density laminate boards. These boards are created by using particle boards as substrates. They are processed using low pressure and heat that melts a melamine/formaldehyde material onto the boards. The boards end up with a semi-durable, plastic-like coating that comes pre-formed in an array of colors, many that are made to look like wood. This is known in the industry as low-density laminate: low-density because the amount of pressure applied is much lower than high-pressure laminate.
Discovering the Real Difference Between Ready-Made Modern Reception Desks and Quality Custom Ones
Discovering the Real Difference Between Ready-Made Modern Reception Desks and Quality Custom Ones

“All that glitters isn’t gold,” the man said. Similarly, not all modern reception desks that look great online are shining examples of quality. For those of you who find the way your company is represented to be important, here are some things to consider when you are looking into buying a ready-made reception desk.

Few people who are on the market to buy a modern reception desk understand what they are buying simply by viewing a picture online. For quality-minded buyers, the biggest factors should be material and construction. With this infor...